

Celo Alpha Cohort

The first cohort of the Celo Blockchain Bootcamp is almost complete! The program is running over 3 months (October - December, 2021), featuring theory lectures, coding practicals and working on projects. Our cohort of 23 web2 developers from 23 different countries across the world meet three times a week to learn all about coding in Solidity and developing on blockchain, taught by our wonderful tutor from Celo! The cohort is making tremendous amounts of progress throughout the program, the end goal of which is to prepare them for jobs as a solidity developers and other careers in the blockchain field, or starting their own blockchain startup!



Celo Delta Cohort

Join our next cohort. If you are interested in joining the next Bootcamp cohort starting January 2022 apply here. Solidity Coding Bootcamp in partnership with Celo is a free, intensive, 13-week coding bootcamp to learn Solidity and blockchain from scratch. We help place graduates in a job at the end in the blockchain space. Apply until Friday 31st December, 2021. The programme will start on 3rd January and will run until March 2022. The course is completely free, but highly selective. It consists of live Zoom classes ( Monday, Wednesday and Fridays) (1.5h, 3 days a week) from 5:00pm - 7:00pm EAT. It’s taught by a leading instructor and 1 teaching assistant. There are daily assignments and projects to accelerate personal study. Eligibility and selection process: - Open to absolutely anyone to apply. - Is meant for developers who desire to learn more about the Celo platform and want an introduction to Smart Contracts and Dapps Development. - Programme is designed to be online and part-time. - You must commit to attend each of the weekday evening classes.

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